Saturday, September 22, 2012

52: 12 Your First Flight

I Want to Remember
Your First Flight
You did so well on your flights to and from Colorado. On the way home our flight was delayed, but yet they put us on the plane anyway. And we waited...and waited...and waited. Although you looked pretty upset in this picture, you couldn't have been more sweet cooing and ahhing on the plane. Thank you for being you.

Up, Up, and Away!
Everyone knows that flying with a baby can be stressful. So I was very hesitant about these flights. I read up on what to do, helpful tips, and what to do if things go crazy! Well the most common thing I saw again and again was to make sure they were sucking while the plane was ascending and descending.  So of course I went into panic when Anniston wouldn't suck on anything while we went up! But she didn't seem bothered by the plane at all. The only time she was bothered was on our way home. We were delayed, next to a drunk man that almost made us de-plane (true story), and we still had a three hour drive after we landed. Luckily for this momma, both dad and baby slept the whole car ride home. Cheers to flexible babies and new adventures! 

Schedule. What Schedule?
 So BEFORE we went to Colorado. We had a schedule. A concrete, I know when Annie will sleep, eat, cry, poop, and spit up kind of schedule. Now that we are home, I cannot seem to get her back on her seamless schedule again. She is going to bed later, waking up earlier. Sleeping shorter periods and eating faster. All in all I think my baby girl is growing and this momma needs to keep up! Hopefully we can get back on track...before I go back to work! Eeek!
Right before getting on her first plane ride to Colorado! 


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