Saturday, August 21, 2010

Great River Ragnar Relay 2010 - Team R.I.T.Z

This is a video I created of the Ragnar Relay that began in Winona to Minneapolis, MN. It was 193 miles total and it took team Running in the Zone (Team RITZ) 25 hours and 43 minutes to complete! Overall we placed 24th out of 291 teams and in our division we placed 7th out of 192 teams. Nickolas and I both trained for this, but due to doctor's orders I was told that I could not compete. Luckily we found Mandy to join our team and she did a fabulous job. I was saddened not to be able to compete at this, but I loved being in the excitement, capturing all the excitement, and driving our smelly teammates around! I hope you enjoy the video!! Hope we see you there next year!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Nick's Intership

Nickolas has been working at Akkerman for an intership this summer and I finally had the opportunity to go see where he works. Needless to say, I was very impressed! He seems to really enjoy the people he works with and what he is doing there. This summer he has worked on some very impressive projects! He began the summer by researching some 3D animation software, then he designed and created a 5000 pound shipping container that Akkerman will continue to use for future projects and he designed built a geothermal testing unit! So you can see he has been very busy!
For this internship he has been working with five other guys from MSU and living with them. So yes, we are newlyweds, and not living together yet! Well, during the week that is! 
Luckily, we only have to do this for about 2 more weeks. Since, my car was broken into at our home about a month ago, I have been a nervous nelly about being home alone. So Nick has been good about frequently coming back during the week. But Akkerman is about 2 hours away, he just got a summer apartment with some of the guys for the summer. Needless to say, we are ready for our life, in our home to finally begin! Until then, I'll continue to organize all our gifts and thank yous, while Nick finishes up his summer work! Here is to hoping the next two weeks pass by quickly!