Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Anniston is Three

You are 3 Years Old Today!
While Anniston was 35 Months She: 

Watched Uncle Tyler and Auntie Paige get married! She got to wear a fancy dress that mommy designed for her. 

Spent her last days at Carol's house. We will miss her so much! We wish her a happy retirement.

Learned to ride a tricycle!

Loves learning with her hands - shaving cream, rice bin, water table, etc.  

Went to the MN zoo two times this month and loved playing in the fountains. Her favorite animal was the monkeys! 

Spends many days at the park and going on bike rides or walks on the trails. 

Monday, June 8, 2015

Amelia is 14 Months

You are 14 Months Old Today!
While Amelia was 13 Months She: 

Watched Uncle Tyler and Auntie Paige get married.

Spent her last days at Carol's house. We will miss her so much! We wish her a happy retirement.

Started walking at the end of the month! 

Stays occupied for long periods of time by playing with playdoh, the water table and in her rice bin!

Went to the MN zoo two times this month and loved playing in the fountains. 

Giggles at  anything that play music or make noise!

Loves "talking" to herself in the mirror and thinks that she is hilarious.  

She loves bath time and sticking her tongue under the water. 

Waves "ello" to everyone and everything.

Claps when she is proud of herself or excited. 

Amelia is 13 Months

You are 13 Months Old Today!
While Amelia was 12 Months She: 

 Could stand up alone and pull herself up on things. 

Babbled all the time! She says Mama, "Onnie", Daddy and "ello"

She is a food fanatic! Typically there is more food on her, than in her, but she loves trying new things!

Loved  feeling different objects in her hands - sand, rice, fabrics. 

Got 1 new teeth this month for a total of 11! 

Had her first ever birthday party with Uncle Tyler and had cake for the first time! She ate more of the cupcake than the actual cake. 

Got into everything and loves pulling things out. And then putting them back. And then taking them out again...