Thursday, March 8, 2012

23 Weeks!

How Far Along: 23 Weeks (3/5/2012). I am a little behind!
Maternity Clothes: LOVING Gap Maternity Yoga Pants. Tracee Ronke, if you are out there, I bow to you for the recommendation! These things are a must for any prego lady. And yes, I will sport them even after Baby R.
Sleep: Well I am sleeping much better than before. I finally found my comfort. It is surround and intertwined in 8 different pillows! Why didn't I think of that earlier?! But I have woken up with these awful leg cramps a few times. A co-worker told me to pop in some calcium pills so we'll see if that helps!
Best Moment This Week: Seeing Grace and Scott in Milwaukee for Scott's leap year birthday. Yup, my father-in-law is only 11 years old! Grace and I even got some much needed quality girl time! We also got news that my pregnant sister-in-law Rachel can be off of bed rest! Keep her in your prayers for a healthy remainder of her pregnancy!
Missing: Laying on my tummy and being able to do a sit up (or any abs for that matter)
Cravings: Fried Rice and Goldfish. But not together...that would be weird.
Feeling queasy or sick: Ugh...I guess I have this thing people call heartburn. It is awful and my sympathy to those who get it all the time. I now carry Tums Ultra Strength with me everywhere.
Movement: Oh yes! This baby is a mover! I lay in bed for 30 minutes every night just feeling my tummy. It is amazing and Nick is so happy he can finally feel Baby R too!
Symptoms: This week I have been experiencing a lot of pressure. I always have to go to the bathroom. It is seriously  outrageous! If you are curious I could tell you about all the different rest stops/gas stations from Mankato to Milwaukee if you're interested!
Gender Prediction: I still think girl. Nick still thinks boy. I will be doing all the old wives tales soon though! Those will tell us for sure!
Belly Button: inish...definitely on its way out!
About Baby R: Baby is 11 inches long and right over a pound! Fun Fact: Baby R is actually transparent right now! You can see it's organs and bones through it's skin! But once those fat deposits settle in, it'll become less transparent! Blood vessels in Baby's lungs are also developing to prepare for breathing the it's ears are already picking up on sounds!
Looking Forward To: My friend Ashley's birthday party and seeing my family this weekend! We are also painting so getting the living room all painted so it is pretty for Baby R!


  1. You are the cutest mom EVER!!!! I love reading your blog! Can I please be a babysitter??

  2. Yes Please! I will need one of those! Or maybe you can just come over frequently to give me some pointers!
