Monday, March 19, 2012

25 Weeks

How Far Along: 25 Weeks (3/19/12)
Maternity Clothes: Due to the INSANELY gorgeous weather lately, I have been living in dresses. I have a few maternity dresses, but I am also wearing my old dresses and just no longer tying them at my waist! I love versatile clothes!
Sleep: I got a Snoodle!! For those of you that don't know what this is, it is my latest cuddle buddy. I literally spoon this thing all night. It supports my back, my hips, my big rules and it makes me sleep much sounder!
Best Moment This Week: Well while most were out drinking green beer and sporting green gear this weekend. We were painting our living room green! And yes, that was my BEST moment this week. Not only that, but we finished painting the kitchen, living room and hallway!! I cannot tell you what a relief this is. All that is left is our nursery and that is on the To-Do for the last week in March! Nickolas gets HUGE props for staying in this weekend and helping out as I don't think that is what he envisioned for his St. Patty's Day Festivities!
Missing: Chocolate. I gave it up for lent and I am having some serious withdraws and cravings! Easter can't come soon enough!
Feeling Queasy or Sick: Still a little heartburn. My friend Caitlin (who just had the cutest little boy named Greyson!!) gave me some of her prescription medicine for heartburn, so that has helped! But if the old wives tale is true, this baby is going to have as much hair as I have now!
Movement:  Oh yes. Anything fruity makes this baby squirm quite a bit and every night it doesn't want to go to bed until 30 minutes after I do...I hope that isn't a sign for future bedtime plans!
Pains: My lower back has been awful lately. I ice it, heat it, rub it. Nothing really seems to help except laying on my back with my feet up. This is my usual nightly position while Nick and I watch TV.  Completely normal....right?!
Belly Button: Almost fully out now! So bizarre looking!
About Baby R: It's beginning to exchange it's long, lean look for some baby fat and it's starting to look more and more like a newborn. Baby R is also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture. Lastly, it's hands are now fully developed and brain and nerve endings are developed enough now so that baby can feel the sensation of touch!
Looking Forward To: Conferences being done and spring break beginning!!! Appointment on Monday!


  1. You look adorable! Glad you found something to help you sleep! How are your hips? Mine are killing me at night (they always do, just usually a bit later). Miss you so much. Give my brother some love from his sissy! I love you!

  2. My hips are actually doing just fine...So Far! But I have always had wider hips, so I hope I don't have to worry too much about that! It is just that dang back! It's killing me and now my ribs are getting squished! Oh well...there could be worse things!
    I miss you terribly and just wish I could see you and your belly! Love you to the moon and back!
