Sunday, January 1, 2012

14 Weeks

How far along? 14 Weeks (1/1/2012)
Maternity clothes? Got a few things for Christmas and I wore a cute black maternity number last night for New Years.
Sleep: Sleeping great and WAY too much. Going back to work is going to be rough!
Best moment this week: Celebrating Christmas with Nick's family at our home and Bringing in the New Year with Friends and Family! I even stayed up until 2:30 (hence me waking up at 11:30 today!)
Missing: Is it terrible to say Drinking?! I never really drank that much prior to being pregnant, but I have had to sit out through Halloween festivities, the Thanksgiving Baileys Drinks, Christmas Jello Shots, and New Years Mulled Wine and Margaritas, and my work party this week! Oh how I would just love a sip of my Baileys! :) 
Things I've Been Craving: Pizza Hut! Every time I see those commercials I begin to salivate from the idea of eating it. Luckily, I got to finally eat there this Friday night.
Have you started to show yet: Got a little belly growing!
Gender prediction: Girl! Nick wants to find out...I do not! I think I might win this battle :)
How am I feeling: Happy! I finally feel like myself again! Lots of energy and excitement!
About Baby Rehder: Our baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck its thumb! Crazy!
About the Pictures: Lily is showing her new trick to lets others know we are expecting. I call out "Where's the Baby" and she hits this pose and precedes to pat my belly. We've even gotten her to howl with excitement while patting the Baby R a few times. Yup, she is just as excited as we are! In the other picture we are just getting ready to go out for New Years! And let me say again...I stayed up until 2:30! Go me and my prego self! 

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