Sunday, December 30, 2012

52:25 Snuggle Time

I Want to Remember
Snuggle Time
 I want to remember snuggle time with you. These past few weeks I have been so spoiled because I have had work off. We have taken daily naps, read several books, worked on getting up off the ground off your tummy, and sitting independently. This nap was so special because daddy was working downstairs on the basement and he came up and found us like this. He got jealous and we all went to bed for a serious snuggle session! This was one of those moments that I want to remember forever. 
Caught Napping at the Cabin! Love this moment!
Well, I am OFFICIALLY done bragging about Annie's awesome sleeping schedule! She now hates to sleep at night! We tried weaning her off the swaddle and then taking it away completely. We have tried feeding her food right before bed and just giving her the boob before bed. We have tried elevating her crib and letting her sleep in the bassinet. We've put her to bed earlier and tried putting her to bed later.  And NOTHING is seeming to help her sleepless nights. So as for now I am thankful that I can nap with her during the days, but when I go back to work this week I am hoping that she gets some sleep so I can actually function in my classroom! Here's to hoping that this growth spurt/teething/ear infection stage is almost over so we can all get some serious sleep again!

You are 6 Months Old!

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