Saturday, November 30, 2013

Anniston is 17 Months!

You are 17 Months Old Today!
While Anniston was 16 Months She: 

Learned to Walk in Snow Pants and Boots - Quite the Challenge

Threw her first snowball and then leaned down and kissed the snow. 

Learned to Say "Pease" and "Tank You" for everything and it melts our heart every time we hear it!

Loves the word "No!"

She starting throwing things away in the trash - even if it isn't trash. 

Wears mostly 12 months clothes and size 4 shoes. 

Wants to carry 2 babies now wherever she goes. 

Had her first real sickness - throwing up for 12 hours! She was such a tough girl. And she even rubbed mommy's leg when she was sick. I love how much empathy she already shows towards others when they are sad. 

Started showing her first signs of the Terrible Twos by having unexplainable tantrums. I am hoping its just her teeth! 

She has 13 teeth completely in. We are just waiting on her 3 canine teeth now and second molars! Her top right canine just broke through!

She can now unplug her monitor from her crib and turn the lights on and off. So sneaky!

She found a new love for cheese sticks! 

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