Thursday, May 17, 2012

33 Weeks

How Far Along: 33 Weeks (5/14/12) I am behind again! 
Sleep:  Sleeping fairly well, minus the itchy legs and frequent cramping at night.
Complaint over the Weeks:  Whew! The past few weeks Nick and I have kind of went through a whirlwind of changes. We recently found out the place we are currently renting at will not work for next year (long story) so, with 7 weeks left, we began searching for rentals, homes, and any other living situations possible. So our nights have been spent with realtors, inspectors, estimators, and driving aimlessly around town to try to find a place to move into before Baby R’s arrival. No big deal right? Deep breaths, prayers, and positive thoughts folks!
Best Moment This Week: Umm...we bought a house tonight!! Yup, hence the being behind on blogging! So my complaint turned into the best news of our week and definitely is ranking up there for our best moments EVER!! It is perfect and more than we could have ever wanted! Closing on June 11th! Yes, the same day I will be considered "Full Term." Don't worry, I talked to Baby R and we agreed that it NEEDS to stay in me until we are unpacked!
Request for the Week: Nick sister, Rachel, is 30 weeks along and already dilating. She has been on bed rest for quite some time and now they gave her steroids to help develop Baby Mboob’s little lungs. The doctors are thinking that she will have him in the next few days, so please send some of your prayers to their family and that little guy. 
Movement: Lots more movement on the right side. Dr. Taylor said he thinks the baby’s head is down and it’s arms and legs are facing the right side causing most the big movements to be on that side. 
Cravings:  Still not really craving anything. Just eating…and then eating again… 
Symptoms: Leg cramps at night and sore ribs! 
Belly Button: The bottom is slowly starting to move out!  
About Baby R: Well no, that is not a bowling ball inside my dress, it just appears that way. This baby is definitely growing and growing straight outward! That is what I get for being 5 feet tall. Poor thing has no where to go! We are very close to 34 weeks already, but at 33 weeks, it is already 4.5 pounds and over 17.5 inches long!  Baby's respiratory system is almost completely mature and it can detect light! Yup our little one could be born anytime now and still be healthy! But let' s just keep it in for now :)
Looking Forward to: This weekend! Nickolas is running another full marathon on Sunday, May 20th in Greenbay, WI. It is the one year anniversary of his mother, Valerie’s passing. So we know she will be running along with him every step of the way. He will also have us and other family members there with obnoxious signs and noise makers to push him too. Send him well wishes and prayers too as he will need all the physical and mental strength he can get that day.


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