Friday, February 7, 2014

28 Weeks

How Far Along:
28 Weeks Along (02/07/2014). Welcome to the 3rd Trimester! 
Fruit. Lots and lots of fruit! Anniston is craving them too! We snack down on clementines, strawberries, smooties and bananas like a boss lately! 
How Am I Feeling:
My back is starting to ache and now I am having my rib pain return. I actually forgot all about this process, but the memory of it comes back quickly! Dr. Taylor just says its because I am so short that my ribs have to really expand to make room for baby. Lucky me...
Belly Button: 
Anniston has really become amused by my "button" lately. Well, for that matter, so has Nickolas. They constantly rub it and "tickle, tickle" it. And strangely enough, it is actually starting to pop out a little bit! It never did that with Anniston, so maybe it's an indicator that it's a boy?!
Besides the frequent bathroom breaks, I have been sleeping pretty soundly. I definitely have been looking forward to the weekends though! I have been taking naps when Anniston takes her naps - I even got Nick to jump on board with me! It just feels so nice to have that break in the day and we both pass out immediately! 
Miss Anything: 
  Having my back cracked. It needs it badly, but I am thinking I might hit up the chiropractor soon! I didn't do that with Anniston, but I figured it might help a bit?
Hiccups are back! These are forgotten fun things too! I completely forgot that babies get hiccups inside of you! So when it first happened, I was kind of taken aback, but now it fun feeling baby move so much! I have tried to get Anniston to keep her hand on my tummy long enough to feel the baby,  but she's way too busy for that! 
Most Exciting Moment This Week:
 I have finally started sewing Anniston's bedding and baby's bedding! I am so jazzed about the fabric already! I think if I could just sew all day, every day, I would be happy. Then again, my back would really be out of whack and then I would complain more! 
Looking Forward To:  
It's my sister's baby month! So literally ANY day this month she could go into labor! Crazy to think that it is that time already!! I am so anxious to see what she is having, what she is naming it and what it will look like! Babies are WAY too much fun!
About Baby R:
It's about 14 inches long and weighs right over 2 pounds. It's eyes can open and close and it even has eyelashes now! How crazy is that?! Hopefully they are just as long and plush as Anniston's!

Here is me at 28 Weeks with Anniston. 
I still cannot believe I did that to my stomach or to poor Lilyan. That will NOT happen again. EVER.

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