Friday, October 24, 2014

52:22 Spending Time with Family

I Want to Remember
Spending Time with Family

I want to Remember spending time with family. Living in a different town than family can be tough. Really tough. And what makes it even harder is when you live in a different town than your family AND having kids. Having nieces, nephews, and even sister-in-laws that are changing every month and we are not there to see their personality change, their hair get cut, how they really look with 4 teeth missing and how they look when they first start crawling. Having family live all over has always been hard on us, but I guess that is what makes those family get togethers so precious. This weekend we got a lot of Nick's family together for a "pre-thanksgiving" in Spencer, Iowa. We were LONG overdue! We had family from Tennessee, Colorado, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin. It was awesome seeing everyone, but it went by too quickly. It always does. But here are a few pictures of our quick weekend. We stopped to visit Valerie and Grandma Harriet even got out of her "home" for a short bit to be with us. 
And we are all very thankful for little moments like that. 

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