I Want to Remember
Your First Week of Daycare
I want to remember your first week of daycare. I can't actually believe I am saying that! But you did amazing. You slept like a champ, drank full bottles every 3 hours and you even giggled a lot for Carol on day one. You are such a blessing and sweet baby - Carol says so too! I know you are in such safe hands with her and having Anniston there to watch over you too, somehow calms my heart a little more. I wish I could be home with you longer, but since I cannot, I am so blessed to have you in Carol's caring hands.
So Much for Sleeping
I know I talk about sleep a lot. But man, has it been seriously lacking! Now that I am back at work, I think Amelia is missing me - at least that is what I have to tell myself anyways. She is no longer sleeping through the night. She is waking multiple times to eat, to coo, and to play. I swear she is more alert at 2:00am than she is a 4:00pm when I get home from work. Her big eyes just stare up at me like she is ready for a new day and ready for play. I am tempted to just swaddled her again for one night of full sleep, but I don't think she would like that very much. So for now, I am just hoping that it is short lived and I am just reminding myself to enjoy every extra minute I can with this little one.
I want to remember your first week of daycare. I can't actually believe I am saying that! But you did amazing. You slept like a champ, drank full bottles every 3 hours and you even giggled a lot for Carol on day one. You are such a blessing and sweet baby - Carol says so too! I know you are in such safe hands with her and having Anniston there to watch over you too, somehow calms my heart a little more. I wish I could be home with you longer, but since I cannot, I am so blessed to have you in Carol's caring hands.
So Much for Sleeping
I know I talk about sleep a lot. But man, has it been seriously lacking! Now that I am back at work, I think Amelia is missing me - at least that is what I have to tell myself anyways. She is no longer sleeping through the night. She is waking multiple times to eat, to coo, and to play. I swear she is more alert at 2:00am than she is a 4:00pm when I get home from work. Her big eyes just stare up at me like she is ready for a new day and ready for play. I am tempted to just swaddled her again for one night of full sleep, but I don't think she would like that very much. So for now, I am just hoping that it is short lived and I am just reminding myself to enjoy every extra minute I can with this little one.