You are 22 Months Old Today!
While Anniston was 21 Months She:
Loves her morning breakfast meals that daddy makes. Blueberry pancakes are her favorite breakfast meal, but her favorite thing to eat is still Spaghetti and Meatballs!
Moved into her big girl bedroom! She loves it and always brings stuffed animals to cuddle with her at night!
Finished her first session of gymnastics and learned how to jump! She can get both feet off the ground! She also is very good at stretching! We stretch almost every morning now!
Loves dancing, running and singing now. We turn on music and she just wiggles and runs around the house. Her favorite song is "Let it Go" from the movie Frozen. She loves acting it out!
She got the croup and the flu for one whole week. She was such a trooper, but it really wore her out.
Continued picking the scab on her forehead! We had to resort to wearing REALLY large bandaids all the time, but it's finally gone!
Has hair long enough for pigtails now and the longer it grows, the curler it is becoming!
Started putting on her shoes and socks all by herself!
Now takes off her clothes and diapers in her crib during naptime and bedtime! So we are now putting duck tape on her diapers to keep them on her!
Went on an Easter Egg Hunt on a very windy day with friends!
Is patiently waiting for her baby brother or sister to arrive! She always rubs my belly and sings to it.
Loves her morning breakfast meals that daddy makes. Blueberry pancakes are her favorite breakfast meal, but her favorite thing to eat is still Spaghetti and Meatballs!
Moved into her big girl bedroom! She loves it and always brings stuffed animals to cuddle with her at night!
Finished her first session of gymnastics and learned how to jump! She can get both feet off the ground! She also is very good at stretching! We stretch almost every morning now!
Loves dancing, running and singing now. We turn on music and she just wiggles and runs around the house. Her favorite song is "Let it Go" from the movie Frozen. She loves acting it out!
She got the croup and the flu for one whole week. She was such a trooper, but it really wore her out.
Continued picking the scab on her forehead! We had to resort to wearing REALLY large bandaids all the time, but it's finally gone!
Has hair long enough for pigtails now and the longer it grows, the curler it is becoming!
Started putting on her shoes and socks all by herself!
Now takes off her clothes and diapers in her crib during naptime and bedtime! So we are now putting duck tape on her diapers to keep them on her!
Went on an Easter Egg Hunt on a very windy day with friends!
Is patiently waiting for her baby brother or sister to arrive! She always rubs my belly and sings to it.