Thursday, January 30, 2014

Anniston is 19 Months Old!

You are 19 Months Old Today!
While Anniston was 18 Months She:

Was really into nursery rhymes and loved saying parts of them! She sings them to my tummy all the time!

Went potty consistently - at home and at daycare! She still wears diapers because mom isn't ready to fully train her yet!

Loves coloring and putting stickers on everything! 

Is wearing 18 month clothes, size 5 shoes 

Loves singing and dancing to music. 

Got car sick on our trip back from Neenah, WI. 

She wore her fairy wings around the house a lot and would fly!

Had tea parties in her castle and in her bathtub. She always tells us if the tea is "too hot" to drink or 
"it okay mommy, it not too hot now."

Had a scab on her forehead the majority of the month. She does NOT stop picking it! 

Has a new favorite phrase. Instead of no, she says 
"never ever, never ever."

She weighs 22.1 pounds (23%) and is 31.5 inches long (35%). 

Friday, January 24, 2014

26 Weeks

How Far Along:
26 Weeks Along (01/24/2014)
Well due to Nick's sudden love for baking, I am loving his amazing banana bread and chocolate chip cookies. Good for warming my heart, not good for my growing body. 
How Am I Feeling:
Itchy. I remember this happening last time in the winter, but I just forgot how annoying it is! I literally lather myself in lotion and still feel dry and itchy! Other than that, the heartburn has gotten a little better with the Zantac, so I am very grateful for that!
Belly Button: 
Completely flat now! I don't know why I find my changing belly button so amusing. It's the little things. 
Really good actually. The body pillow still hasn't came out yet, and I have been sleeping pretty soundly. I wish I could say the same for Anniston. Last week was pretty rough for some reason, but she seems back to herself this week!  
Miss Anything: 
  Warm weather! We have had ri-dic-u-lously cold weather here lately. I am just over bundling Anniston and myself up and hiding under a blanket all the time. Spring can come please!
These past few weeks Nickolas has gotten to see and feel quite a few large kicks, bumps and punches! It is so fun to watch his reaction. Anniston still doesn't quite understand what is happening to my tummy yet. But she definitely gives it daily rubs! 
Most Exciting Moment This Week:
My cousin Amanda had her first baby on Thursday, January 23rd! She named him Zachary William and he looks perfect! They live far away, so for now, we will just see him in photos! Last weekend, my parents came up and we set up our new baby furniture and we moved Anniston's stuff downstairs. For now she will just use the new stuff, until I am ready for the big move! I love the new furniture and can't wait to start decorating!
Looking Forward To:  
Decorating the new nursery! It's so fun to plan! We just can't seem to decide on a paint color/fabric swatch/etc. So once I pick my fabric, I think I will feel much better! 
About Baby R:
It's about 10 inches long and weighs about 1.7 pounds. It's eyes can open now so if I shine a bright light near my tummy the baby might move a lot more!

Here is me 27 Weeks pregnant with Anniston. 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

24 Weeks

How Far Along:
24 Weeks Along (01/10/2014)
I love applesauce and yogart at the moment! My throat has been really dry lately and that always feels so good and it doesn't hurt that it tastes so good too!
How Am I Feeling:
Great! I am definitely feeling like I am growing. My belly is feeling heavier and my back is starting to ache a bit, but I know it only gets worse from here, so I better not complain now! I guess when I word it all like that, it doesn't sound too great! 
Belly Button: 
Almost flat now! I can't believe how quickly it's all changing! Mine never actually "popped out" with Anniston. It was just incredibly flat the second half of my pregnancy. 
Other than bathroom breaks 3x a night, I am doing good sleeping still! I will admit I found myself hugging more pillows than usual this morning. So I might be breaking out the body pillow soon. 
Miss Anything: 
Working out. Once again. I just need to find the time/energy/motivation to do it. After the holidays and the cold, I am just eager to do something motivating! 
Holy Yes! This child moves insanely a lot. Maybe Anniston moved this much and I just totally forgot. Or maybe I have a very busy baby that is about to bless my life. Hmm...Either way, I am well aware that there is a little one growing inside of me now! 
Most Exciting Moment This Week:
Angela's shower was a huge success! She was so happy with everything! The food was delicious, it was fun to see all our family again and exciting to look at all the new baby stuff! We also have the Hoover Holidazzle tonight (my work party). And I helped plan again this year so I am anxious to see that all come together!
Even More Exciting Moment This Week: 
Anniston went potty in her potty! Twice in a row now! Are you clapping for her too? I just can't believe it! And she just sat and did it right away. No waiting, no prompting. She is ruling and I wasn't even planning on really training her not sure where this is going, but I never imagined I would get so excited about potty!! 
Looking Forward To:  
We have another very busy month - shocking, I know! But the Holidazzle, our friend Carl & Jackie's wedding in Iowa, setting up the new baby furniture with my parents and a trip to Neenah to see Scott & Gracie Jae! No wonder it feels like this pregnancy is flying by! 
About Baby R:
It's about 8.5 inches long and weighs about 1.5 pounds. It can hear loud sounds now so I use my belly buds to play songs in my tummy frequently at night. The baby's face is almost fully formed already and it has eyelashes, eyebrows and hair! But fun fact: their hair is just white for now because it hasn't formed any pigment yet! 

Time to Compare: