Tuesday, November 19, 2013

16 Weeks

How Far Along:
16 Weeks Along (10/15/2013)
Loving any Italian foods lately, but that's a very typically craving for me - pregnant or not. 
How Am I Feeling:
Much better! I feel like myself again and as bad as it sounds, I forget I am pregnant at times! But that is a good sign to me, considering how terrible I felt before! 
This is much better too! See I just forgot how rough the 1st trimester is and how lovely the 2nd trimester is! I did get used to going to bed early, so I am still crawling into bed much earlier than I used to! It's awesome! 
Miss Anything: 
Fitting into my regular clothes! I am at that awkward stage still so I am not quite in maternity clothes, but not wearing my regular clothes comfortably yet. But I am definitely ready for the maternity clothes again! I just remember how much I loved my gap leggings and comfortable waisted jeans! 
 Not yet! There's been a few times this week, where I thought I might have felt something, so I think it is going to happen soon!!
Most Exciting Moment This Week:
On Friday, we had our 16 week check up too! It's crazy to think we are there already! Unfortunately Dr. Taylor was out, so we had a very short appointment with another Dr. It was a very brief appointment, but she listened to the heartbeat and it was at 155 bpm.
Worse Moment This Week: 
At the appointment Anniston got very sick. I mean sick in throwing up on her jacket, in her hair, etc. I've never seen Anniston throw up anything other than breast milk. So we were a little scared! The doctor said just to take her down to Peds and have her checked out. Luckily, I had an extra set of clothes so we got her changed, got packed up and heading downstairs. Unfortunately, she threw up again. And again. Needless to say, she left the doctor's office in Daddy's coat and doctor note saying she has a stomach virus and there was really nothing we could do except wait it out. So that is what we will do. It's a conference week, so I am at school Tuesday night and Thursday night. So hopefully staying home with Daddy and snuggling up with good books will make her feel much better! 
Shows I am Watching: 
Scandal - it's getting so Scandalous! Seriously, did that really happen to Mellie? And how on Earth is Olivia's mother still alive?! Really?!
Revenge - this show might be getting a little too twisted for me! It's hard to keep up, but I am just waiting for this finale.
Nashville - it's good music, it's juicy and I don't like Rayna with the new country boy...at all!
Looking Forward To:  
Thanksgiving Break and Conferences being done! We are hosting Thanksgiving this year for Nick's family! I am anxious to see how it all turns out! Don't worry, I am pinning everything to make sure it is a success!

Getting ready to leave the hospital in Daddy's coat. 

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