This memorial day weekend we had our Baby Shower! My mother and sister decided to do a Circus Theme and it couldn't have been more adorable! The original plan was to have it outside, but due to the rain and humidity, they thought the circus could go on in the garage - and did it ever! The things they planned and set up were unlike anything I have ever seen! There were circus stuffed animals, circus peanuts, lollipops, nachos, pickles and ice cream, pigs in a blanket, pig races (too fun), decorations galore, and who could forget the circus cake! It was unbelievable!
That night we also had a diaper keg at my Sister and Jake's house! It was a perfect night and we definitely are loaded up on the diapers now! It was great seeing all the couples and our guy friends that couldn't really attend the shower! We spent the night eating, drinking, playing bean bags, and beer games and just talking. It was so great seeing everyone, but crazy to believe that the next time I will see the majority of them, baby will be here! Eek!
Overall, we just want to thank everyone who attended and/or sent well wishes! We definitely felt blessed and cannot WAIT to fill our home with all of the amazing things for Baby R! I think I still need some advice on how to use some of the items! But don't worry, I'll figure it out! :)
But we put together a short Smilebox so you can see all the fun that we had. Yup, I think Baby is going to be one spoiled, lucky and loved little Baby! Love You All!
How Far Along: 35 Weeks (5/28/2012)
Maternity Clothes: I have a few favorites that I just keep recycling. But the dress I wore at the shower was actually from my mother and sister and it wasn't maternity! Those maxi dresses work wonders and it was very comfortable! I would say the toughest thing is finding shoes that I feel comfortable in for the whole day while working. Our school doesn't have AC, so I am fine on the cool days, but when the weather warms up, I puff up! So not cute! I never thought I'd say this, but I would be fine with summer weather waiting to come until school is out!
Stretch Marks: None Yet! I think that belly butter is magical, because I am fairly certain my stomach is as far stretched out as it can possibly get!
Sleep: Sleeping fairly well actually! As long as I am cool, I sleep wonderfully!
Best Moment This Week: The baby shower/diaper keg! I waited and waited for that day to come! It was so wonderful seeing so many people that I don't get the chance to see that often! It was surreal to think that the next time I'll see a lot of them, we will have Baby R!
Miss Anything: I miss a lot of things, but this whole experience has been pretty phenomenal. I can't believe how much I have learned about myself, Nickolas, our friends, family and just my overall feelings about being pregnant! I was so nervous about the idea of having a baby prior to being pregnant and now I (barely) think about the process. I just cannot wait to meet our little one!
Movement: All the time! It is unbelievable! That is probably the thing I will miss the most about being pregnant. Just knowing it is always with me and safe. The movements aren't as hard anymore, now they are slow and like baby is stretching out - at least it's trying to!
Labor Signs: None Yet! Starting at my next appointment (6/5/2012) I go in for my weekly checks and Dr. Taylor said we might start seeing progress by then!
Symptoms: Overall feeling pretty great! I think I am on a life high right now with the idea of moving, summer approaching and a new baby - I cannot really complain! Worst thing is that there is a lot of pressure in my belly as it continues to grow & some pain in my ribs and lower back.
About Baby R: Baby R is about 20 inches long this week and around 6 pounds! No wonder my tummy feels so heavy! It is about the size of a sheet cake! Wow!
Wedding Rings on or off: Took it off one day. It was just too dang hot and I wasn't sure if my swelling would ever go back down! But it did. it stays on for the most part!
Looking Forward to: So many things! The end of the school year fun events (class picnic, field trip, field day), packing up, moving into our new house and Baby R's arrival! Oh my goodness it grand.
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