Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Anniston is 13 Months!

You are 13 Months Old Today!
While Anniston was 12 Months She: 

Just Learned to Walk! It is still clumsy and you still love to cruise, but you are walking! I am counting it!

Says baby, momma, daddy, yes, puppy and okay clearly. She"talks" all the time though!

Eats pretty much anything and everything. Her favorite food is spaghetti and cut up meatballs and favorite snack is applesauce.

Loves her baby and stroller. She pushes them all over the basement. All the time. 

Started sitting still on my lap while I read you an entire story.

Got 2 new teeth this month for a total of 10! 

Had her first ever birthday party and had cake for the first time! She wasn't the biggest fan! 

Went to the pool all the time and loves the water. 

Went for daily bike rides and she loved sitting in your burley bee with her babies and riding the trails! 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

These are a Few of My Favorite Things

With Anniston's birthday brought a lot of new toys to play with in our house! I've loved watching her interact and discover new things about each and every toy. She's just taken off with her talking, fine motor and we are so close to the big gross motor - walking! Here are a few of her newest favorite things!
Playing on her exploration table. Instead of sitting next to it like she used to, she now crawls on top of it!
Anniston loves her bike rides. I fill her Burley Bee with toys, snacks and blankets and we just ride and ride!
Nickolas cut holes in this box as a joke at first and now Anniston plays in it on a daily basis! She brings all her toys in and plays house. It is so sweet!
Anniston loves getting pushed around in her cozy coupe. She pushes the horn, clicks the keys and turns the steering wheel! Wee!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Sweet Dreams Are Made of These

Anniston has been doing a lot of dreaming lately. We’ve seen her through the video several times talking, twitching and turning. I've always wondered what babies actually dream about. Sometimes she looks sad and I can't imagine what is going on in her head. Did she run out of milk, is a toy out of her reach, or is it like our scary dreams? Dark and unknowns. I hope not. I want to keep her World full of as many bright colors as possible! 
I was also big sleepwalker, so I hope I have not passed that trait onto my daughter! Today I was lucky enough to have a snuggle session with Annie Jean and I am certain she was dreaming of ice cream at the park, playing with puppies, or maybe just happy that her mama was snuggling her so close. 
This video just reminds me how precious she really is.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Happy 4th of July

I have always been obsessed with 4th of July. Last year, I remember holding Anniston and looking out my living room window as the fireworks went off at Riverfront Park. I had a grand plan of taking her to the parade, watching the fireworks, celebrating with family. But I kind of didn't realize how much having a baby takes out of you!
So this year, we went all out. We put on our red, white and blue, bought cute decorations, grilled out, went to the parade, ate too much candy, went to a crafts show and watched the fireworks with blankets at Riverfront Park! So I think we made up for our lack of Old-Fashioned Celebrating the previous year!
What a difference a year makes though - feeling exhausted, confused and overwhelmed with a brand new infant to going non-stop all day and watching your little one take in a holiday that you've always adored by yelling "wee" as people passed her in the parade and waving her flag to the music! Too much. Cannot wait until next year's planning!
St. Peter Parade
Madi, Gracie, Anniston and Mykah

Dress from Great Grandma Parr

Waving to the Parade
I loved how many people waved back to her!
Giggles with Daddy!

Fun in the Sun

Say Cheese!
Happy 4th of July!