Your First New Years
I want to remember your first new years. You definitely didn't stay up until midnight, but you still brought in the new year right - surrounded by family and a new friend, Reece! We traveled out to Rapid City and rented this amazing cabin for four days. We had so much fun relaxing and loving, cuddling, playing and skating this holiday season! You were such a champ on the very long road trip! You went ice skating, hiking in the woods, snuggled by the fire place and tried some new foods! This was such a lovely vacation and a trip we will all remember for years to come!

A Look at 2012
Lilyan celebrated turning 1 on February 19th!
Ashley celebrated her 26th birthday in February 20th.
Nickolas ran a full marathon in Greenbay, WI. Unfortunately it was called off around mile 18 due to high heat conditions. But it was wonderful spending time with family!
We signed a balloon to send to "heaven" on the one year Anniversary of Valerie's Passing. Gracie sent it off and it sailed high into the sky.
We bought our first home!! We moved in on June 15th and LOVE be homeowners!
Anniston Jean was born on June 30th at 6:19pm.
Annie was baptized at All Saints on August 20th. Jake and Angela are her godparents.
Annie took her first plane ride to Colorado and met many family members!