I Want to Remember
Your Personality Appearing
I cannot believe you are two months old already! In the last two weeks alone I feel like you have changed so much. You are starting to develop your own little personality! Here are some of my favorite moments or lessons learned from this month!
8 Week Check Up:
Dr. Cox
Height: 22.5 Inches (56%)
Weight: 11.6 lbs (63%)
Head Circumference: 15 inches (57%)
I am Superwoman!
I know everyone oohhs and ahhs over their baby all the time. Who wouldn't. But I seriously think Annie Banannie is the strongest baby. EVER. She holds her head up like a champ and locks her legs out to stand all the time. It is amazing to feel and I show it off to everyone. Yes, even strangers that stop to meet her. Apologies to my friends and family who I show EVERY TIME I see them how strong she is. I also let Anniston know how impressed I am all the time. I consider myself her cheerleader, because everyone needs a cheerleader pushing them on...right?!
Naked Annie showing off her strong legs and giving us a little extra surprise!
Anniston Has her Very Own Pair of Sassy Pants
Although my sweet little girl cannot talk yet, she definitely knows how to express her love for being held! Now I am not complaining, because I know there are plenty of babies out there that just cry to cry. No, not Annie. She just cries when you set her down. It is especially bad after she has been babysat by grandma for a few days. But as long as your body is moving and grooving she is one happy camper. There are times where she is literally in a dead, snoring sleep in my arms (yes, she snores) and I carefully lay her down and BAA!!! You would think that I just did something horrible by her shrieks! Nope...just set her down is all. Sa-ssy!
Entertaining Anniston with songs and dances!
Even her sassy face is way too sweet! |
Sleep Still Rocks
Oh yes, she is still a champ at sleeping through the night! Dare I say we have even developed a schedule?! After her last feeding (usually around 8:00), we take her bath, lotion her up, put on her jammies and swaddle her up. Then we just sing her a few lullabies and lay her in the crib. She usually falls asleep on her own by 9:30. Amazeballs.
Thrush Sucks
Okay, we have been battling this thrush business for about a month. And I will say that we got thrush and mastitis on the SAME week. My poor boobs. But after giving her medicine for the thrush 10 days and nothing happening, I took extreme measures and got her gentian violet. I have heard from several people that is the only remedy that truly works. Unfortunately it is ridiculously messy - it stained her clothes, her skin, my nipples, her blankets. Lily probably even had stains on her somewhere. It was ridiculous. But I will admit we got a pretty good laugh out of Anniston turning into a purple princess for a few days straight. We tried to hoard ourselves in the house as much as possible while we were purple so people didn't assume I was trying to goth out my baby already. We will wait until she is one for that.
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Annie's stained lips and my stained fingers. |
Home is a Baby Sanctuary
Music, Vibration, and Soft Fabrics fill our
home daily and it is such a calming and peaceful aura. Whenever Nick comes home
from work he comments on the calmness of the house. My television watching, has
been replaced by soft music. The laundry is done daily and filled with fleece and minky
material. And my 50 shades has been stowed away and replaced with sweet picture
books. No siree, you can't have a bad day with this baby.
Girl Clothes Rule
I am obsessed with Anniston's clothes. And her clothes to come. There are WAY too many adorable options to dress her up with. Thank God I had a girl first, because I don't think my boy would be nearly as into headbands as Anniston is. There are days where we don't even leave the house and I just change her outfit because it is so fun and I think she likes to add variety to her day.
Daddy's Voice Makes Me Oh So Happy
There is something about daddy's voice that just makes Anniston show off her gummy smiles. As soon as he comes home from work everyday it is the sweetest thing to see her light up. She can be sleeping, eating, or playing and the second he says, "Hello, it's your papa!" She just lights up. It is the sweetest thing in the World. Love him. Love her.
Running or Walking?
So about two weeks ago I decided to start running again. I was super pumped because we got out the jogging stroller and I have been feeling pretty good. Unfortunately, I am fairly certain that I can walk faster than these attempted runs, but hey...it is better than nothing right? In no time I hope I can work my way up to a hobbling speed, one stride at a time right?
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Going for a morning run/walk. |